There are few things more wonderful than a hand-knit dress and a kitchen smelling of fresh basil on a Sunday afternoon. The day before the start of a busy week is very important, as it is the last chance for everyone to relax and spend time together as a family. This weekend my mom had been busy knitting a dress for my baby sister, who is on the way, and due in June. I remember wearing my mom's knitted clothes when I was younger, and surprising as it may sound, they were never of the type that were embarassing to wear in public. (I'll post a photo of the dress once my mom is finished with it).
Inspired by my mom's creativity and patience, I decided to collaborate both of our activities and do a knitting theme today. I made panfried noodles with shrimp, kalamata olives and basil that reminded me of yarn, and baked off several trays of sugar cookies shaped like buttons. After all, if I'm posting once a week, so why not do something fun and creative ? I wish you all the most colourful, exciting week ! : )